Event Reports

Twin Coast Fun Run

2016-08-15T03:58:17+00:00June 9th, 2015|Event Reports|

16 cars and 32 members and family participated in an exhilarating and thoroughly enjoyable ramble through the Rodney Countryside that ended with a delicious BBQ lunch at Frank and Lyn [...]

Grass Gymkhana

2016-08-15T04:00:44+00:00June 9th, 2015|Event Reports|

Take a glorious autumn day, a large flat pasture and a good representation of beautiful Mercedes from across the decades, throw in a handful of enthusiastic Club members, stir well [...]

Galaxy of Cars

2016-08-15T04:02:06+00:00June 9th, 2015|Event Reports|

An awesome response by the Mercedes Benz club members in support of this event gives us a feeling of pride as we observed one after another Mercedes Benz car arriving [...]

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