Driver Skills, 11 November 2023
It was a Saturday like any other Auckland Saturday, navigating road cones, tossing tennis balls and avoiding hitting poles. Except this was a Driving Skills Saturday at the Albany Stadium [...]
It was a Saturday like any other Auckland Saturday, navigating road cones, tossing tennis balls and avoiding hitting poles. Except this was a Driving Skills Saturday at the Albany Stadium [...]
The weather was looking good, but where are they all?? It was 9.00am already as the members from three cars parked in a busy BP Drury carpark pondered this question. [...]
This was billed as a chance to "play on the motorway", otherwise a gentle cruise up the new and "amazing" Puhoi to Warkworth Motorway Extension to check out the lovely [...]
What a truly pleasant day to take a wander in West Waikato. A rather cool spring day, saw 21 cars depart the start, and get on their way. It was [...]
The husband informed me that the Mercedes Club members were getting a chance to drive part of the Targa rally route with a driver and a navigator. He just got [...]
Another year has passed and we are back at the Royal Akarana Yacht Club for our annual prize giving. We didn’t have quite the same turn out as in past [...]
It is Saturday 22 July and another road trip. We met at our normal rendezvous BP Drury at 8:30. Weather looked a bit iffy with a chill in the air. [...]
It’s early morning and the All Blacks have just defeated Argentina. There’s a grey light filtering through the blinds and a dismal, damp Sunday morning presents itself to the ladies [...]
McDonalds carpark at Manukau City was our meet & greet spot at 11am before heading off to our destination for the club AGM, being John Hill Estate out Hunua way. [...]
The Mercedes Club was “Club of the month” at Meguiars Coffee & Cars at Mt Smart stadium. This meant we had the prime spot to display our cars and promote [...]