We had a great night at the Sorrento on the Park. We mixed things up a bit this year – Philippa and Pree were the presenters. Instead of an event write up, here are the presentation notes.


We have farewelled Mike Peters, Barb Lokes, and Richard Foulkes from the committee this year. Thank you for your work and commitment to the Club.

Clubman Trophy for Member points
For those of you who may not be aware, points are awarded to both members and their families for attending, organising and writing up events.
Our deserving winner of the Clubman Trophy not only attended most of our events in the last year but also organised some (New Plymouth and Ohakune Weekender) and has contributed some event write-ups as well. Some might suggest that he had an unfair advantage as the Club Captain. Congratulations, Trevor Ninness for being our most active member!

Clubman Family Member for Family Member points
Usually we find that the family who attends events together, accumulates the most points together, but this year things are different.
This is mainly due to this family member being very active in the club organising events as well as contributing with some event write ups.
Always enthusiastic and pretty much up for anything, Sue Iles come on up to receive the Clubman Family Member Trophy for most family member points!

Onto the cars that shone in our Show and Shine Competition held in conjunction with the Grass Gymkhana. The categories are for cars pre 1990 and 1990 onwards.

Lloyd Marx Tray for Best Concourse Car, Post 1990
We had 11 cars entered into the post 1990 category of our Club Show n Shine where there were some very shiny and pampered Mercedes-Benz cars on display.
It was a close run “race” this year with only 1 point separating the top two cars. Before we announce the winner, we want to recognise Rod Milner for entering his car despite having no glass to judge and that last year’s winner Russell Clarke was a close third this year.
The Lloyd Marx Tray has been awarded to Trevor Ninness and his 2017 CLA 45 AMG.

Eric Brook Trophy for Concours d’Elegance, Pre 1990
Our winner for the Pre 1990 car is well and truly pre-1990, and some of us might argue that a Pagoda has an unfair advantage. Personally, I (Editor) am always amazed at the boot capacity of this car!

The winner is Colin and Patricia Carran and their 1966 Pagoda.

Mercedes-Benz 300SL Ellerslie Concours Trophy – we did not have a club entry in the Ellerslie Intermarque Concours this year so we not awarding this trophy.
(However, if you have a car that is concours standard and are keen to enter the competition next year, which will be in February 2025, please talk to Daryl, our President. We can support you to prepare the car.)

Gymkhana Trophies
The Grass Gymkhana is regarded by some members as the highlight of the year – by others something to be avoided at all costs, because of the repair costs that often arise after the event.
After the excitement, or more accurately carnage, of last year’s Bogkhana event, this year’s Grass Gymkhana was almost sedate! There have been no reports of broken suspensions and apparently a vase of flowers even went around the course intact. We thank Shanlee and Rod Milner for hosting the event on an almost flat paddock, as well as providing a great picnic venue.
We were able to run the event over two courses again this year, with a lunch break in between. Point scoring did get a bit complicated as drivers kept switching between cars. We also had a strong contingent of non-Mercedes, including the guest appearance of “Henry the Honda”, Rod’s quad bike – best described as a solid competitor. Competitors’ fastest time over each course was combined to find the winners.

Linda Johnson Trophy for Cars over 30 years old
The car that won in the over 30 years old category was again one of the most active competitors in the Gymkhana. Many of you will know that the car’s owner has something of a stranglehold on this trophy. There was much excitement after Course 1, when Cornelius had a faster time. But Cornelius lost Course 2 on penalty and, Ken Williams, once again, receives the Linda Johnson trophy.

Congratulations Ken

Decker trophy for Cars under 30 years old
Our next recipient for being the fastest driver in a car under 30 years old was not far off Ken’s time and delivered consistent results over all his runs. We usually regard this club member as a responsible driver but it turns out he also has his inner racer mode.

Arthur Iles, the Decker Trophy is yours! Congratulations

Jeffery Trophy for Top Ladies time
We always want to encourage our female members to have a go at thrashing their cars around the course. This year we had three female participants and five cars! This was not because the cars were thrashed to death but because the drivers kept changing their vehicle of choice.

Only one competitor drove their own car. Ken Williams SL did compete in this category too but the ultimate winner was the “Mighty B” – oops, no! That was the car, not the driver! With Janine not available to compete, Sue was hoping it was going to be her year but maybe next year?

Congratulations to Samantha Lynch for winning the Jeffery Trophy, driving 3 different vehicles!

The Neilson Trophy for the winner of the Economy Run is not awarded this year
Note to committee – need to organise an economy run for 2025

Flemming Trophy for Best Article
We publish members’ articles about aspects of Mercedes-Benz ownership and other club goings on our website and in BeNZscene. So, if you have something to report based on a trip, a non-club event or maybe even some crazy car DIY please send your article to the Editor.
This year we haven’t had many articles.
As a sign of the times, and the return to international travel, we had two articles reporting on overseas visits to car events in the UK and to Germany. It was a close run competition.
The winning touch may have been submitting photos of his children, who “are not into cars at all”, doing their best to look interested while being shown an AMG engine. Cornelius Boertjens says “You have to go to the AMG factory in Affalterbach!”.

Congratulations Cornelius and commiserations to his children – some of us understand!

Lokes Trophy for Best Event Write Up
We encourage all members to write event reports (which also carry membership points) and there were some very well written and entertaining reports this year.
However, there can only be one winner chosen from all the worthy write-ups.
This particular write-up truly captured the enthusiasm and experience of a drive with the club, including some of the issues we have in keeping together on the road, and the special experience of a west coast sunset at Piha. It captured a memorable evening well.

The Lokes Trophy is award to Ross Pengally for his write -up of Sunset run to Piha.

Hard Luck Trophy for Car breakdowns and mishaps
This trophy is awarded to those who suffer mishaps while on club business.
It’s very difficult to find club members who readily own up to any breakdown or mishap unless there are witnesses who are more than willing to share someone else’s misfortune. As already mentioned, we didn’t have any candidates from the Grass Gymkhana this year. Despite the rain at the Brit & Euro no one got bogged, although there was a bit of grass gathered under the cars. Ross Pengally has shared hard luck stories about the restoration of his R107. And the recent visit to Avantgarde may throw up some tales for next prize giving – at least in our household.

Although this event may technically relate to last year, because of the wider impact it has had on the club, the committee decided that we should recognise that Wolfgang’s “failure to proceed” on two separate occasions has deprived the club of its President and sent Mike into the wilderness (for us) of Ford cars.

Come on up Mike!

Wooden Spoon for Stirring
This self explanatory Wooden Spoon award is for the club member who makes a difference by creating a stir.
This award has been held by many venerable stirrers over the years, some of whom feature more than once.
This year an honourable mention goes to Richard Foulkes who tried to stir us up.
The winner this year may not have been recognised for a few years but he continues to needle us and ensure that the committee is on its toes.

Congratulations David Winn.

Trials trophy for Overall winner point runs
The Trials Trophy is awarded to a member who scored the most points on a run or event.
Our Driver Skills event last November was made up of three separate challenges and points were scored depending on your place in each event.
As Chris Haliday described it “a Saturday like any other Auckland Saturday, navigating road cones, tossing tennis balls and avoiding hitting poles”. Richard Foulkes was best at navigating road cones; Pree at tossing tennis balls and Ken West at avoiding hitting poles – maybe that was because he knows better than to run over his wife who was judging!
The overall winner combined a fourth, a first and a sixth to earn the Trials Trophy.

Ken West, this is yours!

Van Kan Cup – Committee Discretionary Award – for Club commitment
The Van Kan Cup recognises someone who is an active supporter of our club.

Before we make this award we want to thank Barb Lokes for her commitment to the club. A previous winner of this award, Barb stepped down from the committee and from the club this year. She has contributed to the club as a committee member, as President and through her work with the Ellerslie car show. We also need to say that we miss Greg and his camera.

We are awarding this cup to a person who has demonstrated commitment by stepping up to the committee and taking on the role of Club Captain.
He has organised many events and attended even more, and he is leading the club’s planning for the national rally next year.
Trevor Ninness is that person and we want to thank him for his energy, enthusiasm, organising and support of our events.

English Tray – Committee Merit – for Club effort
Our English Tray for Club Effort is being awarded to acknowledge the contribution that this person has made to the club in their time in the club. Having served on the committee with Mike I know that he has made a strong contribution during his time in the club, along with Deepa. Mike has a strong sense of fun and reflects the ethos of many in the club …

“Cos life’s too short to drive boring cars”!

Come on up Mike and Deepa!

And so to our last award of the evening and that is the Millenium Trophy President’s Choice Award.

This year’s recipient was nominated by our outgoing President.
They have made a real difference to our committee and club with their drive and can-do attitude. They have introduced some new ideas like the Ladies Run, promoted the club t-shirts and is always willing to ensure that everyone has a good time. She is one of our most active members and makes sure all our members, especially new ones, are welcome at all the events she attends.

Not quite a quiet achiever! Sue Iles come on up to receive the Millennium Trophy!


Philippa and Pree

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